Demonoid est un site web et un tracker BitTorrent ouvert en 2003. Le serveur, qui forme un "index" de téléchargements possibles, est semi-privé dans la mesure où il faut avoir un code d'invitation donné par un membre pour y avoir un compte.
We look at the data, has 4596835 rank in the world wide web. The website server is using IP address and is hosted in Macedonia. The Google page rank of this website is 0/10. Website ping to the server is timed at 59 ms. . This domain creation date on 0001-01-01. By the domain, you can see that different countries, middleware, and subdomains have the wrong Demonoid is probably one of the most old torrent trackers in the world. Founded in 2003 it has always found itself in the copyright wars, domain seizures and raids. Currently it is still alive and kicking. They even have a .onion address. It is an invite only website so users cannot access all torrents. In some rare occasions they do open up Demonoid is known to be a torrent tracker, and this website offers to share files with ease. This website was introduced fifteen years ago, due to some reasons; it was locked from by different ISPs. Other than that, you can register on the website by simply downloading stuff or visiting the website frequently and streaming online, but when there is an issue related to its legality, it is time Considéré comme l’un des plus populaires après The Pirate Bay, le site Demonoid qui propose des liens BitTorrent pour télécharger des fichiers en peer-to-peer, est de retour sur la Toile. has been informing visitors about topics such as Torrent U, Torrent and Movie Download. Join thousands of satisfied visitors who discovered Download, Torrents and A Simple Favour. Invitation DEMONOID Invitation pour le site - Forum - Internet / Réseaux sociaux Invite de commande - Conseils pratiques - Windows
Download Demonoid 3.7.2. BitTorren tracker to increase download speeds and to find files.
Demonoid est un site web et un tracker BitTorrent ouvert en 2003. Le serveur, qui forme un "index" de téléchargements possibles, est semi-privé dans la mesure où il faut avoir un code d'invitation donné par un membre pour y avoir un compte.
8 Nov 2007 is currently down, and the site sports the following message: "The CRIA threatened the company renting the servers to us, and
12 Aug 2012 The site is currently still offline. Now, three Demonoid domains — .me, .com, and . ph — are all currently available to purchase on domain 22 Aug 2012 The main thing you need to know is that Demonoid, while a fine site, was likely not nearly as safe and anonymous as you probably thought. 10 août 2012 Jeudi 26 juillet, a commencé à vaciller à nouveau, visé par une conséquente attaque DDOS qui a fini par rendre le site 12 Nov 2012 TorrentFreak points out that in previous closures, Demonoid's tracker appeared before its website came back online, indicating that the site's